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Using render() in LWC

Whatever template system you use, you will end up with show/hide logic based on your data's values. In Aura components you have an expression language (reminded me of JSF), in LWC external (in your JavaScript class) boolean values or functions.

Keep it tidy

A common interaction pattern, similar to the Salesforce default behavior when you have more than one record type available, is to show a pre-selection (which record type), a main selection (required data) and (eventually) a post-selection (what's next?).

In a lightning web component you can handle that easily using if:true|false inside your html template.

But what if the sections are quite lengthy? Maintaining the HTML template can get messy. Enter the render() method. In LWC this method doesn't to the actual rendering, but determines what template to use to render the component.

There are a few simple rules:

  • You need to import your template into your JavaScript file
  • The call to render() must return the imported variable (see example below)
  • You can make the computation dependent on anything inside the class
  • You can't assemble the template in memory as a String, it will throw you an error

The class file

import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
import option1 from './someHTML.html';
import option2 from './anotherHTML.html';

export default class TestRender extends LightningElement {
  @api whichone = 'first';

  swapTemplate() {
    this.whichone = this.whichone === 'first' ? 'second' : 'first';

  render() {
    return this.whichone === 'first' ? option1 : option2;

The templates


  <h1>Hello World !</h1>
    label="Click me!"
    title="Template magic with John Doe"


  <h1>The second wizzard</h1>
    title="Template template on the wall"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata" fqn="TestRender">
    <masterLabel>A test of render templates</masterLabel>
    <description>Sample of the Lightning power</description>
        <targetConfig targets="lightning__RecordPage">
            <property name="whichone" datasource="first,second" type="String" default="first" />

A simple way to keep your templates tidy.
I haven't done any speed tests, so YMMV

Posted by on 04 March 2019 | Comments (3) | categories: Lightning Salesforce WebComponents


  1. posted by Raj on Friday 04 October 2019 AD:

    Hi Wissel,

    Thanks for sharing. However, import is not working. It is giving error.

    Does it support this type of import ? Can you confirm, you have tested it in your org?

    Error: "LWC1011: Failed to resolve import "./anotherHTML.html" from "testRender.js". Please add "anotherHTML.html" file to the component folder."


  2. posted by Sagar Haral on Monday 20 January 2020 AD:

    You need to created anotherHTML.html file under the same component (testRender) bundle.

  3. posted by Kamal on Saturday 03 August 2024 AD:

    Hi Wissel,

    Your blog is very nice and helpful and is working fine individually if i create this component and run it standalone as a tab. However, my need is to show something dynamically in a Right Panel of another LWC component. And when i am adding this component in that parent component, I am getting following 2 errors:

    force-app/main/default/lwc/seDashboard/seDashboard.js LWC1001: Unexpected compilation error: Unexpected token (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript) (9:9)
    force-app/main/default/lwc/seDashboard/seDashboard.html LWC1002: Error in module resolution: Error when using sourcemap for reporting an error: Can't resolve original location of error. (9:9)

    I have tried hard but unable to resolve this and there is very less relevant information available for these errors. Any help/ guidance will be highly appreciated.
