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Teaching an ol' dog a new trick: SET CONFIG param=value update

One of the cardinal sins of Domino administration (besides FTP/copy of a server NSF) is the manual editing of notes.ini variables. To update an notes.ini variable instantly you can use the server console and type set config param=value, while for permanent changes you would add the value to a server configuration document. Using the server configuration document has the advantage, that your ini changes not only will survive a reboot or even loss of your notes.ini, but they serve as documentation too.
My colleague Thomas Hampel today pointed me to a technote that I wasn't aware of. It explains how to combine these two steps into one:
set config param=value update will instantly activate a parameter and wite it back into the server configuration document. For lazy or forgetful administrators you can issue this command once: set config ENABLE_SRVCFG_NAB_UPDATE=1 update and it will automatically update any parameter into the configuration document when you change it through a set command. Just keep in mind: don't edit that notes.ini on the OS level:
I will never edit a notes.ini on the OS level
(Courtesy of the Bart Simpson Generator)

Posted by on 24 April 2012 | Comments (1) | categories: Show-N-Tell Thursday


  1. posted by Tommy Valand on Thursday 26 April 2012 AD:
    Thanks for the tip :)